Episode 1: Dead Man’s Deal
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Here are the show notes for Episode 1:

You can read Tim’s reviews for CardPlayer along with other writings at his website, “The Literature of Poker.”
(Jean Havez / William H. Vodery / Bert Williams)
Here are the lyrics to the song (as far as I can make them out):
He joined the Darktown Poker Club
Then cussed the day they told him that he could join.
His money seemed like it had wings.
If he held Queens, someone had Kings.
Each night he would contribute all his coin.
He says “I think I’ll play 'em tight tonight --
No bobtail flush’ll make me bite --
When I go in, my hand’ll be a peach.”
So he saw he was in with the losing pile
And got kinda peevish after while.
One night he got up and made a speech.
He says “You see this brand new razor?
I had it sharpened just today.
And I want to tell y’all some new rules to follow hereafter
When we play.
Keep your hands above the table when you're dealing -- please.
And I don’t want to catch no aces down between your knees.
Don't be makin’ funny signs or tip your hand
And I don’t wanna hear no kind of language that I don’t understand.
Stop dealing from the bottom, ’cause it looks so rough,
And remember that in poker five cards is enough!
When you bet, put up, ’cause I don't like it when you shy.
And when yo’ broke, get up, and then come on back by and by.
Pass the cards to me to shuffle every time before you deal
Then there’s anything wrong, why, I’ll see.
Not gonna play this game no more according to Mr. Hoyle --
Hereafter, it’s gonna be according to me!”
There chanced to be a one-eyed man --
Bill watched him from the corner of his eye.
The one-eyed man would deal and then
Would cost Bill Jackson five or ten.
Finally, he got up with a sigh.
“Ah,” he says, “I think it’s a shame,
But there’s cheating goin’ on in the game
And honestly I - I don’t wanna name the guy.
But where I may not call his name
If I catch him cheating just once again
I’m gonna take my fist and close his other eye!
Pass them cards to me to shuffle every time before you deal
There’s anything wrong, why, I’ll see.
We ain’t gonna play this game no more according to Mr. Hoyle,
Hereafter, it’s just according to me!”
(a.k.a. Rakewell, the Poker Grump)
You can read more of Bob’s tales -- of both the grumpy and non-grumpy varieties -- over at his blog, Poker Grump.
(originally aired August 28, 1945)
Here is the Wikipedia entry on the show, and here are links to other episodes of Inner Sanctum Mysteries.
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